360 VR 전신 4분 타바타 ㅣ 360 VR Full body 4min. TABATA

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오늘의 운동은 4분 전신 타바타(360 VR)입니다.?
Today’s workout is 4 minute TABATA for the whole body (360 VR)

이번 영상은 360도 카메라로 촬영해서 운동 동작을 다양한 각도에서 시청할 수 있습니다! (더 재밌는건, 올블랑 맴버 중에서 보고싶은 사람 영상만 볼 수도 있어요?)
In this video, you can watch with different angles since it is filmed with 360 camera. It is so amazing !! (Plus, you are able to follow only one of our members' workout?)

그럼, 오늘도 올블랑 타바타와 함께 운동하면서 화이팅 해요!!
So, let's go with our tabata and have great day:)?

* Target
: the whole body

* Workout Routine
1. Skate
2. Jumping Jack
3. Drop Squat
4. Skate (upgrade)
5. Side Kick
6. Jump Lunge & Squat
7. Jump Squat Turn
8. High Plank Sidekick

* 나음케어 운동소도구 할인링크(올블랑 전용 15% DC)
- 세라밴드 : http://bit.ly/2WjRyBJ
- 짐스틱 : http://bit.ly/2Yss95A

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About GizmoVR

GizmoVR is a software development company focused on consumer products, mobile applications, virtual reality apps and games. Company’s portfolio includes GizmoVR video player, Bluelight game, and others.

GizmoVR Ltd.
84 Spyrou Kyprianou
4004, Limassol Cyprus