SQUE - I have found my way [inSoffitta] | 360 Virtual Reality Music

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inSoffitta è un luogo dove gli artisti possono esibirsi e farsi conoscere... a 360°!

Sque è il nome d'arte di Luca Squeglia, romano di nascita e veneto d'adozione che, con il lancio del suo EP "Something's Happening" alle porte, è passato inSoffitta col suo inedito "I have found my way". Luca è un artista di strada che crede fermamente nella sua scelta, perché è la via più vera per raggiungere gli altri e lavorare su sé stessi contemporaneamente.

“Un buon artista deve donare la propria arte il più possibile senza aspettarsi nulla in cambio, questo ispira la gente”


I walk this road, i smile and say
That i have found my own way,
I live my life with no regrets,
I'm writing it despite the rain,
I'm a kind of lazy, always easy like a sunday morning,
i really feel it, so come on, get out and see
you'll find the best of me

Hey man, where do you go, forget the roads you run on your own,
it's too late what's done is done, face who thou really are
Hey man, where do you go, forget the roads you run on your own,
it's too late what's done is done...

I like to travel around this world
and one day to be back home
To hugh my parents and all my brothers
Share some love with one another
If you don't believe in existence
it's a beautiful whisper, just believe that
Deep believe in yourself

Hey man, where do you go, forget the roads you run on your own,
it's too late what's done is done, face who thou really are
Hey man, where do you go, forget the roads you run on your own,
it's too late what's done is done, face who thou really are

When music rushed in my days
got no words in my soul
just hope and trust
Now I can really feel the beating of my hearts
I found my way in life...

Hey man, where do you go, forget the roads you run on your own,
it's too late what's done is done...
Hey man, where do you go, forget the roads you run on your own,
it's too late what's done is done, face who thou really are

Segui inSoffitta su
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/insoffitta/
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiGdsuUrtSbuSoC36ZCYb8w
Web - https://www.insoffitta.org

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GizmoVR is a software development company focused on consumer products, mobile applications, virtual reality apps and games. Company’s portfolio includes GizmoVR video player, Bluelight game, and others.

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