Notre-Dame de Paris in 3D 360 Before the fire burned it. Собор Парижской Богоматери до пожара

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3D 8K 360 Notre-Dame de Paris Before the fire burned it.
Excursion around the territory of the cathedral, a walk inside the cathedral, on the roof, in a wooden bell tower. In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night.
I shot this with #Kandao #Obsidian 8k 3d 360 camera in LOG mode. Stitched with #MistikaVR, Stabilized with #RE:Lense
Colour Correction in After Effect/ #NeatVideo denoiser

The cathedral is one of the most widely recognized symbols of the city of Paris and the French nation. As the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Paris, Notre-Dame contains the cathedra of the Archbishop of Paris (Michel Aupetit). In 1805, Notre-Dame was given the honorary status of a minor basilica. Approximately 12 million people visit Notre-Dame annually, making it the most visited monument in Paris.[10] The cathedral is renowned for its Lent sermons founded by the famous Dominican Jean-Baptiste Henri Lacordaire in the 1860s. In recent years, an increasing number have been given by leading public figures and state employed academics.

The cathedral has been progressively stripped of its original decoration and works of art. Several noteworthy examples of Gothic, Baroque, and 19th-century sculptures and a group of 17th- and early 18th-century altarpieces remain in the cathedral’s collection.
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/ Собор Парижской Богоматери до пожара

Produced with support by Genius XR

Best regards Andrii Shramko
[email protected]
Write to me if you need to shoot something special for your VR AR project

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