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EGYPT: MYSTERIES, SECRETS and LIES of Egypt. BEST 360 footage EGYPT, Best FOOTAGE of the PYRAMIDS, and BEST FOOTAGE of the NILE RIVER in EGYPT. This is probably the BEST 360 FOOTAGE of EGYPT in the WORLD. Mysteries of Egypt in 360 filming.

For more info on the coming Exodus, visit:

Egypt: the BEST 360 footage of Egypt in the WORLD.

Details on Exodus and Egypt ~ Many have said, "Trey Smith, go back to your old style of film making!!!"


The Exodus Documentary will have many slides, I will be infront of screens and assuredly poking them. Imagine it like the heart of Nephilim and Noah (past God in a Nutshell films) combined with actual sites in HD and another version in 360 footage of Egypt.

We also are going to make all the CORE stuff FREE, mainly because it will make quite a few powerful people I don't like in Egyptology very very angry.... I sometimes like it when people that think they are powerful are mad.... It makes my day better.

Exodus will however have a full length kick back on your couch and grip for the ride version which you will have to pay for ---- hey man ---- buy the ticket; take the ride....

Additionally, we will provide a version for Virtual Reality (VR) headsets. In short, for those that like to go ALL THE WAY, we want you to be able to walk through every temple, every tomb, even the places off limits... and some of the footage illegally obtained.... all from your living room, in Virtual Reality (VR) 360 footage Egypt ~ whilst watching the BEST EXODUS EVER MADE IN HUMAN HISTORY.

Let me comment briefly for those say Trey we want your "old-style" back.

I am on it. I hear you. Let me please share with you this, those older videos like Theory of Everything, Nephilim, Noah would take many, many months of 12 hour days to male because of the shear intensity of making so many graphical demonstration materials, and so many tiny tiny cuts.... It is an intense project...

I am doing all that again times ten on this Exodus.

What you are also looking for I believe is an experience that is simple yet very complex combined into one.... A robust and EXTREMELY SATISFYING INTELLECTUAL and SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE clip after clip after clip....

I got you... and I ask you humbly to give me that opportunity to be "Trey Smith" for you again in this coming Exodus. It will be epic. I do very much want you to have the ALL the things you are looking for in this film....

I also asked the Lord to show me how to do this in a way pleasing to both you and Him....

So, I thank you for that opportunity.

Those are the current GOALS. We WILL MEET AND EXCEED THEM.

It will also have

EGYPT: Music for this Egypt 360 footage and also Pyramid 360 footage composed by Trevor DeMaere, Mattia Cupelli and Michael Donner.

Egypt: This 360 footage was shot on location in Egypt on the Nile River, Luxor Egypt, also the Pyramids of Giza, and at the Great Pyramid. The 360 footage of Egypt you are watching was done on a combination of three GoPro Fusions.

This 360 footage of Egypt is part of the coming documentary Exodus to be produced by Trey Smith and God in a Nutshell.

Some Egypt footage was taken by Michael Hughes, owner of Sunbeam. Michael Hughes is also planning a film titled "Joseph Conspiracy".

To see first trailer and some raw clips from Exodus and Egypt, here is the link:

A little about the BEST FOOTAGE of EGYPT in the WORLD.

This past year (on a personal note) has been a humbling experience in many, many ways. And, following suite with that, this trip to Egypt was riddled with troubles. I was in custody and detained several times in Egypt.

Some of the footage had to be gotten out of the country in tricky ways I may discuss at some later point (bottom line, WE DID GET THINGS THEY DID NOT WANT US TO HAVE).

Additionally, we had equipment broken and other issues. This was NOT simple.

It is my STRONG OPINION the Lord had His hand very much on our ability to make this film for you at all...

So, it will be a great honor to make you the best EXODUS that can be produced.... and show you things that Egypt doesn't likely want shown or talked about.

FINAL DETAILS on FOOTAGE SEEN: Egypt in 360 footage. The Nile River in 360 footage. Exodus in 360 footage. Seen also is Luxor, Egypt, the Pyramids of Giza, and the Great Pyramid. The Red Sea (where the waters parted in the Exodus) is seen in 360 footage. Also a balloon ride over the Nile River in 360 footage. Virtual reality (VR) footage Egypt.

May God bless all of you
Thank you for your support of the God in a Nutshell project
Trey Smith

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GizmoVR is a software development company focused on consumer products, mobile applications, virtual reality apps and games. Company’s portfolio includes GizmoVR video player, Bluelight game, and others.

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