360° DDR Juggling - Waka Laka - AAA (Perfect Full Combo) - DDR Extreme Arcade

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Ok, I got rid of the scan line by switching to ISO 400 mode on here and got a tripod adapter all set up. I really like this setup lol. This is Waka Laka Heavy on DDR Extreme while juggling, with all Perfects. Pretty cool.

I also do notice that I need to tune up my pads for juggling. I step a lot harder while juggling, so that right arrow inner sensor needs to be a bit less sensitive. Should be an easy adjustment, but it didn't hurt me this Juggling-DDR session (Groove 2001 - Get Up n Move - Gamelan - Waka Laka - Genom Screams).

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I'm really good at the following games and sports:
- DDR (also while Juggling)
- Five Nights at Freddy's
- Basketball & NBA Baller Beats
- Retro:Grade
- Dungeon Defenders (but I don't really play this one anymore)
- Running, lol but I don't think I'll make Running videos, really
- Skill-based Arcade Games (e.g. Super Shot, Two Minute Drill, Cornhole, etc.)
- Pump it Up (my new get-good-at project)
- Several Others...

If you have requests within the games that I still play, or if you have a game that you'd like to request, feel free to request it. I usually have a pretty busy schedule, but I try to make time to relax and play some of these games. If you want more content, watch what I have so far, stay tuned for more, and spread the word. :)

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About GizmoVR

GizmoVR is a software development company focused on consumer products, mobile applications, virtual reality apps and games. Company’s portfolio includes GizmoVR video player, Bluelight game, and others.

GizmoVR Ltd.
84 Spyrou Kyprianou
4004, Limassol Cyprus