Argo Vals "Image Drain" music video (360 Degree version)

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* Music video by Sander Tuvikene (
* Music composed, performed, recorded and produced, synths, fx and programming by Argo Vals (in Ahja, Tallinn, Mooste, Tartu, Druskininkai), except for:
* Drums by Tõnu Tubli
* Drum tracking by Martin Kikas (Ö Stuudio, Tartu)
* Mixed by Martin Kikas and Argo Vals (Ö Stuudio, Tartu)
* Mastering by Martin Kikas

The idea making "Image Drain" came from times when I've looked at Google Maps satellite images. There are so crazy ways how humans have shaped the natural landscapes to something unnatural. The shift is both scary and incredible. And it's also about a feeling when there is too much information coming from every direction and fills your mind with unnecessary thoughts.
"Image Drain” video idee tekkis pärast järjekordset surfamist Google Maps'is. Teinekord jään neid pilte pikalt vaatama, et kuidas üks või teine paik välja näeb ja ka ajas muutub ning kuidas inimene ümbritsevat keskkonda ümber kujundab. See on ühtaegu nii hirmutav kui ka paeluv vaatepilt. Teine oluline taustajõud nii selle loo kui ka video tegemisel on peegeldus kordadest, mil uut informatsiooni lendab tormiliselt peale igast ilmakaarest ning täidab meele ja mõtte infoga, mis on tegelikult täielikult ebavajalik.

Armastus / Image Drain (double single _ December 14, 2018):

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GizmoVR is a software development company focused on consumer products, mobile applications, virtual reality apps and games. Company’s portfolio includes GizmoVR video player, Bluelight game, and others.

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