How Much Bacteria Is In Your Body? || 360 VR

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How much bacteria live in our bodies? In fact, all the bacteria in the human body make up a microbiome that can weigh as much as 5 pounds! So next time you’re feeling a little lonely, just think of all the trillions of tiny creatures living inside you; you definitely won’t feel alone for long! In our new video, we're gonna tell you why you really need bacteria.

Bacteria that lives inside your nose 1:27
Bacteria that live in your mouth area 2:11
Let’s continue the tour down your gastrointestinal tract 3:42
Belly button bacteria 5:26
Welcome to the reproductive organs 6:04
Your largest organ bacteria 7:18


- Your nose is home to the phyla Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. The latter are mostly Staphylococcus. Despite this scary-sounding name, they’re all good for you as long as they don’t get together with others of their kind.
- There are way more bacteria in your mouth alone than there are people on the entire planet! Yep, you have billions of bacteria in the oral area, more than 700 species of them! You swallow around one fifth of a gallon of saliva a day, and it brings 100 billion bacteria into your body.
- The good bacteria in your gut are the ones I’m sure you’ve heard of. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium bifidum are added to healthy yogurts for a reason. Lactobacilli are responsible for the digestion of organic food and creating an acidic environment so that bad bacteria can’t spread.
- A healthy man will have no bacteria in his upper genital tract. As for the ladies, their intimate organs, particularly the vagina, are rich in Lactobacillus bacteria, which we already know are good for us.
- Next time you grab your cell phone and check all your social media handles, think about this: your phone screen has more bacteria on it than a public restroom! That is, not unless you regularly disinfect like you should! Yep, everything you touch covers your skin in tons of bacteria.

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