[KPOP IN PUBLIC CHALLENGE] ?360 Video? Wanna One (워너원) - Boomerang (부메랑) Cover GoPro Fusion Footage

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?This is a 360 Video. Rotate the screen to view the other side.
?Location: Venice Beach, Los Angeles, California
?Recording Date: April 23. 2018 1PM

?Camera: GoPro Fusion & Sony 4K FDR-AX53
?Speakers: Sony XB41 Black & Blue (2 Speakers connected)

?‍?‍?‍? Members ?‍?‍?‍?
Park WooJin | 박우진 | Pasha Yang | 파샤 | MKDC Juniors | @psh.ah
Park JiHoon | 박지훈 | Derek Chen | 데렉 | MKDC Juniors | @dlichen00
Kang Daniel | 강다니엘 | Kevin Fraga | 케빈 | MKDC Juniors | @Kevinfrg
Ong Sungwoo | 옹성우 | Wall-E Chen | 월리 | MKDC | @wallehamburger
Hwang MinHyun | 황민현 | Naomi Wang | 나오미 | MKDC | @wyxio78
Ha Sungwoon | 하성운 | Saroeun Nob | 사로 | MKDC | @eunsaro
Lee DaeHwi | 이대휘 | Hieu Tran | 휴 | MKDC | @itshieu
Lai Kuan Lin | 라이관린 | Takara Thomas | 타카라 | MKDC | @takarat_rex
Yoon JiSung | 윤지성 | Hallie Xiong | 핼리 | MKDC Juniors
Kim JaeHwan | 김재환 | Tony Zeng | 토니 | MKDC Trainee | @tzenggggg

?Directed and produced by Volcano H. Silver | @volcano.silver?

공연,섭외,제휴 및 기타 문의는 mkdc@umn.edu로 해주세요.

?? Social Media ??
Youtube Channel

? Song ?
Wanna One - Boomerang
워너원 - 부메랑

?About MKDC?
MKDC is a LIVE PERFORMANCE team produced by VS Entertainment (Minneapolis, USA).
Their motto is “BALANCE.” (...by Lay)

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About GizmoVR

GizmoVR is a software development company focused on consumer products, mobile applications, virtual reality apps and games. Company’s portfolio includes GizmoVR video player, Bluelight game, and others.

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