360 Real 3D Video Ambleside, British Columbia

Watch video in VR

***official website is www.3deproductions.com ***
West Vancouver, British Columbia.

To see this video in its best form, choose the highest setting. In the video pane you can use the top left toggle, or drag your mouse to see the whole world. In your smart phone app you simply move your phone around. If you have Google Cardboard for your android phone hit the cardboard icon at the bottom right and enjoy it in immersive 360 video.
Thanks for watching,
The 3DE Team

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/3DEprods
IG: https://www.instagram.com/3deprods/
tsu: https://www.tsu.co/3DEvolution
Twitter: https://twitter.com/3DE_productions

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About GizmoVR

GizmoVR is a software development company focused on consumer products, mobile applications, virtual reality apps and games. Company’s portfolio includes GizmoVR video player, Bluelight game, and others.

GizmoVR Ltd.
84 Spyrou Kyprianou
4004, Limassol Cyprus