360도로 즐기는 신개념 모바일게임 "최강용병 구르카"
- 구독하기 링크클릭!!: http://goo.gl/WwJshS
- 모바일 게임 재생목록!!: http://goo.gl/gO6X1m
- 카카오스토리 소식받기: http://story.ddotty.com
- 공식 팬카페 바로가기: http://cafe.ddotty.com
- 도티BOX 무료어플 다운: http://goo.gl/CjBuvd
* With Sandbox Network *
*최강용병 구르카 - 360도 플레이 영상
▶구독하기 & 영상 좋아요 버튼을 꼭꼭 눌러주세요 :D
Hello Everyone!
Welcome to DDotty’s channel and just call me “DDotty”!
I’m recording and editing many gameplay videos by myself & my team,
like Minecraft, Clash of Clans and other mobile games that I love to play.
Please have fun with my videos and if you like, subscribe my channel.
Every day is so special because of you and me!
Thank you!
GizmoVR is a software development company focused on consumer products, mobile applications, virtual reality apps and games. Company’s portfolio includes GizmoVR video player, Bluelight game, and others.
GizmoVR Ltd.