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Download VR PlayerNo, thank youYou may now experience the terrifying footages of Circus of Death Trap in full 360 panorama!
Don't forget to look around and explore your surrounding. You can also put on a VR helmet attached with your phone if you own one of those devices
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This video is a Blu's Studio original self-creation subject. It is strongly prohibited to be re-upload on to any other channels or platforms and we would personally file report to the user who did such actions (re-acting videos are permitted as exceptional under this category. If you have any other questions and concerns about it, feel free to send me an Email:
Disclaimer: Blu's Studio does not own the rights of the Five Nights at Freddy's titles, nor do we own the models and sound effects used within our videos. All credits of the above mentioned subjects goes to their original creators and copyright holders
Musics (Blu's Studio has obtained official license under the following mentioned Royalty Free musics from it's original creators. Any intentional false copyright claims will be dispute and excecuted)
"Venomous" by David Fesliyan:
"A Dark Time" by David Fesliyan:
"The Chase of My Life" by David Fesliyan:
"Tears Wont Stop" by David Fesliyan:
"Scrap Baby" by EndyArts:
Voice acting
"The protagonist" by Richard Yu
Copyright © 2019 Blu's Studio
GizmoVR is a software development company focused on consumer products, mobile applications, virtual reality apps and games. Company’s portfolio includes GizmoVR video player, Bluelight game, and others.
GizmoVR Ltd.